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Remembering Glen Campbell (currently 12 pages, 100+ posts)

Mike Joyce
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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by Mike Joyce »

I heard the news from a friend this morning. I was glad to hear this from someone who understood how I would be feeling. As Jimmy said, we knew it was coming but it hurts no less for that. A Legend has passed and our comfort is now in everything we possess of him and all our cherished memories.
I remember outside a concert, Glen was signing autographs, I had gotten Glen's autograph last time he was in the UK ,so I just said "May I shake you hand" and he gladly extended his arm out and I shook the hand of my hero.

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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by Randy »

Being fortunate enough to attend many many of Glen's great shows, I always hated the show to end. Felt so good, so uplifted. And the thing that really impressed so much about his talent, was seeing his peers, stars in their own rights, share those same feelings. He could sit down and perform in front of the best of the best, and to easily see, the joy in their eyes, is something really special. His life may have ended here, but he lives on in our hearts.

My deepest condolences to his family.

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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by Cowpoke »

As this news start to sink in, my heart feels heavy. I cannot bring myself to write about all Glen's many accomplishments. Today is a sad day. My thoughts are with his family, especially Glen's wife Kim. Glen would be so proud of her, as she is proud of him.

I'm a carefree, range ridin', driftin' cowpoke...
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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by BobHewitt1 »

RIP Glen you will be sadly missed as you have been for the last six years that we haven't been able to see you perform live. Thanks for the many concerts where you entertained my wife and I like no one else could. Your like will not be seen again. Condolences to his family friends and fans

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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by Dee »

I am at a loss for words, Glen's passing has been a shock for me, as it is for fans all over the world today.
Reading the fan posts here is so uplifting at this sad time.
Saying prayers for Glen's family members and his long-time friends.

Thank you for your beautiful music and all the laughs, Glen Campbell (especially your Roger Miller jokes).
Thank you for showing me that anything is possible when you put your mind to it.

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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by gtrglenn »

Usually, I limit myself to one GC song per performance, but today I was doing a volunteer strolling gig at a nursing/rehab facility and did "Less of Me" for a lady who had just come from Bible study' "Galveston" for someone else and finally "Gentle On My Mind" for a resident who didn't speak English well (I wanted something with a pretty melody). Then I get in my car after the gig and hear of his passing. Coincidence? I think not.

Since creating my "Glenn Sings Glen" tribute show a few years ago, I've felt a special connection to Glen and his music . It's magic to sing his songs. I hope I will help keep his legacy alive.

Prayers for Kim and the family.

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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by Dee »

Shared from Jimmy Webb's facebook page posted at around 8:30 pm (ET) today, August 8th.
Sending love and prayers to Jiimmy and Laura and the children.

Jimmy Webb
Dear Friends,
Well, that moment has come that we have known was an inevitable certainty and yet stings like a sudden catastrophe. Let the world note that a great American influence on pop music, the American Beatle, the secret link between so many artists and records that we can only marvel, has passed and cannot be replaced. He was bountiful. He gave me a $2,000 bag of golf clubs once and I went out to Sterling Forest in Tuxedo Park and damned near killed myself trying to learn to play golf. He gave me a Remington 45/70 for my birthday and I was immediately more successful with that. His was a world of gifts freely exchanged: Roger Miller stories, songs from the best writers, an old Merle Haggard record or a pocket knife. He gave me a great wide lens through which to look at music. I watched him in awe executing his flawless rendition of “The William Tell Overture” on his classical guitar in his Vegas show. He also played “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes with the Black Watch up there sometimes.

Jazz he loved. He claimed he learned the most about playing the guitar from Django Reinhardt. The cult of The Players? He was at the very center. He loved trading eights with George Benson in a great duel that broke out on a television show one night. (Glen would always claim victory to his closest friends.) Vince Gill and Keith Urban he eulogized. (About Urban he said one night, “that kid is a monster.”) Talking about Vince he would slowly shake his head in disbelief. He was recognized internationally in that unchartered fraternity of the very hot players, like Mark Knopfler, Jeff Beck and Paul McCartney. (Sir Paul was present at one of the final concerts and paid a backstage visit.) He loved The Beach Boys and in subtle ways helped mold their sound. He loved Don and Phil, Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfield, Flatt and Scruggs. This was the one great lesson that I learned from him as a kid: Musically speaking nothing is out of bounds.

Of course, he lavished affection and gifts on his kids, family and friends. His love was a deep mercurial thing and once committed he was a tenacious friend as so many in Nashville and Phoenix, L.A. and New York, compadres all over the world would testify. One of his favorite songs was “Try A Little Kindness” in which he sings “shine your light on everyone you see.” My God. Did he do that or what? Just thinking back I believe suddenly that the “raison d’etre” for every Glen Campbell show was to bring every suffering soul within the sound of his voice up a peg or two. Leave ’em laughin.’ Leave them feeling just a little tad better about themselves; even though he might have to make them cry a couple of times to get ’em there. What a majestically graceful and kind, top rate performer was Glen on his worst night!

I remember one evening after his Vegas show he grabbed me and Roger Miller and Carl Jackson and we all went over to a hotel on the back side of the strip where Kenny Rogers was playing a one a.m. gig in a half empty room. Kenny was floating somewhere between the First Edition and mega stardom and things were kinda slow round about then. In we trooped and Glen sat down in a big booth and ordered ice buckets full of beer and champagne. We whooped and hollered our way through every damn song. We went back stage after and we loved on that big old bearded guy with a frog in his throat who was headed for the stratosphere of stardom.

When it came to friendship Glen was the real deal. He spoke my name from ten thousand stages. He was my big brother, my protector, my co-culprit, my John crying in the wilderness. Nobody liked a Jimmy Webb song as much as Glen! And yet he was generous with other writers: Larry Weiss, Allen Toussaint, John Hartford. You have to look hard for a bad song on a Glen Campbell album. He was giving people their money’s worth before it became fashionable.

I am full of grief. I am writing because I think you deserve some sort of message from me but I am too upset to write very well or at any great length. It’s like waking up in the morning in some Kafkaesque novella and finding that half of you is missing. I would call upon you to rest your sympathy with Kim Campbell and her children Cal, Shannon and Ashley; his children from previous marriages, Debby, Kelli, Travis, Kane, and Dillon; grandchildren, great- and great-great-grandchildren. Perhaps you could throw in a prayer for the Webb kids, Chris, Justin, Jamie, Corey, Charles and Camila who looked upon him as a kind of wondrous uncle who was a celebrated star and funnier than old dad.

This I can promise. While I can play a piano he will never be forgotten. And after that someone else will revel in his vast library of recordings and pass them on to how many future generations? Possibly to all of them.


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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by DD1Glen »

So sad and yet happy for Glen to have known Jesus as his Savior and to know that he is leaning on the everlasting arms and singing praises for the mercy that allows him to be in the heavenly realms above the troubles of this world.

Glen was part of my life since the 1960's. We went through these years together and I will miss the one I enjoyed but I am grateful for all those keeping his music fresh and alive!

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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by Dee »

From Glen's Official facebook page a few hours ago today..

[Click image to view the post and photo.]
August 8, 2017.jpg
August 8, 2017.jpg (152.72 KiB) Viewed 37168 times

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Re: Glen Campbell Passed Away Today

Post by Dee »

On Kim Campbell's blog site...

http://www.careliving.org/glen-campbell-memorial/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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