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Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 10:15 pm
by robduloc
Has anyone ever seen or own a compact disc called Rick Nelson Glen Campbell Jerry Fuller Dave Burgess The Lost 60's Recordings.

There are five 45 Singles which feature Glen Campbell- Side A & B.

You have to program your compact disc player to get the correct order, it took an afternoon sifting through the liner notes to come up with this information, it is more enjoyable to hear the 45 Singles in the original order when they were first released.

Program your CD of The Lost 60's Recordings this way:

TRACK 1 & 2

Challenge 9133
Track 1 & 2 (Glen Campbell lead vocal/lead guitar & members of The Champs)

TRACKS 10 & 7

Challenge 9144
Track 7 (Glen Campbell lead guitar)

TRACKS 11 & 5

Challenge 9115
Track 11 & 5 (Glen Campbell lead guitar & members of The Champs)

TRACK 9 & 13

Challenge 9149
Track 13 (Glen Campbell lead guitar & members of The Champs)

TRACK 16 & 17

Challenge 9170
Track 17 Group Vocal, Rick Nelson, Glen Campbell, Jerry Fuller, Dave Burgess, Bill Fuller, Backing by members of The Champs)

There you have it- five 45 Singles from 1961-1962 featuring Glen Campbell in a group setting.

Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:00 am
by robduloc
(sorry if one of my last comments got posted twice)

The thing that I remember about the Jimmy Haskell Soupy Sales recordings which could contain a Wrecking Crew element is that they were very loud and drenched in echo with what sounded like a full scale orchestra, the heavy echo made it feel like listening to a voice in my head, that is, the voice of reason or conscience.

"Don't spill your milk, it'll give the termites indigestion"

"Keep your head up, it will keep the milk from spilling onto your clothes"!

You know, a lot of Glen Campbell's sense of humor is born out of The Depression Era.

That's what makes his humor so warm, coming from a large family, rubbing elbows and getting everyone in on the joke, to have so little and still have so much, may have made some of the richer kids a little jealous!

Take care of yourself and the people around you.

That is what I hear in the overs spill on any given Wrecking Crew outtake,

Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 7:27 am
by robduloc
robduloc wrote:Our local kid's show was one of the longest running ones in the country, one of the stars once explained pie in the face is an art, all it takes is once or twice to receive a cream pie under the hot studio lights to learn the fatty oils stick to your skin and smell long after it's been wiped off, shaving cream works much better!

Yes, you made me laugh today, Dee.

The thing I remember about MacArthur Park is the local radio stations and retail outlets played it all the time, it'd be on when I was getting something to eat after school, or shopping for a new coat, lord knows, we'd be standing at the check out lane with Richard Harris crooning in our ear.

You may have never heard this story, it's from Derek Taylor's autobiography, Taylor is The Beatles' Press Release Man who was invited to come to L.A. and work with Capitol, EMI's sister label.

As you may know, MacArthur Park was released around the time the movie Camelot was in theaters, let's just say the two enjoyed a long run.

I guess Richard Harris was very gracious with his invites, Webb says in his book Tune Smith what it felt like to fly to England with Hal Blaine for a recording session and be treated like Royalty.

Harris had a way of making everyone feel that way.

Unbeknownst, Taylor explains Harris had the production people tear down the fireplace, adjoining walls and furniture where a lot of the conversations and scenes took place in the film Camelot and installed it in his living room at home.

Harris invited Derek to his house and much to his surprise, spent the night lounging in the lavish castle room with exotic bits of Turkish smoke floating in the air and according to Taylor, "For one brief shining moment, there was indeed, a Camelot"!

Book your ticket now~

Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 7:23 am
by robduloc
The oils in cake frosting will break down and become mucky if you leave it out in the rain, California is a good place to hold a garden party but there are those unexpected rain storms which can crop up and spoil an event, which most certainly, sums up what it's like to be in a relationship and want everything to go according to plan.

Are we the masters of our destiny, can we hold onto the spirit of the times without it slipping away.

I love MacArthur Park.

Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 7:04 am
by robduloc
Our local kid's show was one of the longest running ones in the country, one of the stars once explained pie in the face is an art, all it takes is once or twice to receive a cream pie under the hot studio lights to learn the fatty oils stick to your skin and smell long after it's been wiped off, shaving cream works much better!

Yes, you made me laugh today, Dee.

The thing I remember about MacArthur Park is the local radio stations and retail outlets played it all the time, it'd be on when I was getting something to eat after school, or shopping for a new coat, lord knows, we'd be standing at the check out lane with Richard Harris crooning in our ear.

You may have never heard this story, it's from Derek Taylor's bio, The Beatles' Press Release Man who was invited to come to L.A. and work with Capitol, EMI's sister label.

As you may know, MacArthur Park was released around the time the movie Camelot was in theaters, let's just say the two enjoyed a long run.

I guess Richard Harris was very gracious with his invites, Webb says in his book Tune Smith what it felt like to fly to England with Hal Blaine for a recording session and be treated like Royalty.

Harris had a way of making everyone feel that way.

Unbeknownst, Taylor explains Harris had the production people tear down the fireplace, adjoining walls and furniture where a lot of the conversations and scenes took place in the film Camelot and installed it in his living room at home.

Harris invited Derek to his house and much to his surprise, spent the night lounging in the lavish castle room with exotic bits of Turkish smoke floating in the air and according to Taylor, "For one brief shining moment, there was indeed, a Camelot"!

Book your ticket now~

Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 5:40 am
by Dee
Thanks for the funny Soupy Sales stories.
I don't remember him or his show! (I was probably watching "Duck Soup" at the time.)
I had to look up Soupy Sales. He has a really interesting bio on Wikipedia:" onclick=";return false;

Sorry to digress, but I have to share a story from the bio. Rob, did you know that there was a third dog character on Soupy's show?
"For a short time there was a third dog character that became White Fang's girlfriend, Marilyn Monwolf. She caused some rivalry of affections between Blacktooth and White Fang, but later jilted them both for Joe Dogmaggio."

Now to bring this topic back to discography: there is a connection between Soupy Sales and Jimmy Webb! This info is in his bio, too:

"Sales signed with Motown Records in 1969 releasing a single, 'Muck-Arty Park' (a play on the 1968 hit 'MacArthur Park')".
(lol Who knew?)
Soupy Sales_gcf.JPG
Soupy Sales_gcf.JPG (21.43 KiB) Viewed 6632 times
With apologies to Mr. Webb, check out:" onclick=";return false;

Looking forward to Cowpoke's research on Glen's possible session work for Soupy Sales.

Thanks for the laughs, Rob. Fun way to start the weekend.


Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 11:12 pm
by robduloc
I'm pretty excited to hear about your updates, I am aware of the Essential Volumes 1-3, I wonder why I thought I saw a W.L. 1-3, if I did it may have been in one of the links here.

The first album, "The Soupy Sales Show" has a big rocker to open the second side, Soupy asks, "White Fang, where did you get that guitar"!

I think Soupy is worried his dog may stolen it, White Fang plays a solo in the middle of a rocker devoted to him, Soupy exclaims, "Well, don't pick it, or it'll never heal"!

Talk about getting every preschooler on the block and their parent in on the gag...

It is a pretty rousing solo, it would be nice to finally learn who perform the duties.

The first and fourth album are on one CD, worth seeking out, Haskell gets full credit on the front cover in large letters for the fourth album, "Soupy Sales Up In The Air".

In addition to Reprise, I believe Colgem may be the Label for the other two albums, "Do The Soupy Shuffle" and "Spy With A Pie".

The community really ought to learn or find out who is playing the piano on the Soupy Sales Show Theme Song.

Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 3:28 pm
by Cowpoke
Hi Rob,
I am pretty sure Glen did session work for some of those Soupy Sales recordings. I will look it up!

I don't think there is a Wichita Lineman vol. 1, 2 and 3... :) Or do you mean The Essential Glen Campbell vol. 1, 2 and 3?

Yes that 1981 live album was recorded during one night! It is a wonderful live album. The band, called Caledonia, is awesome. A super band.

Glad to hear the surgery went well!


Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:21 pm
by robduloc
Thank you, Cowpoke your last post means a lot to me, I will commit it to memory, I did indeed receive the beautiful package in the mail the other day that Dee posted here; the two disc Glen Campbell Wichita Lineman 44 Classic Glen Campbell Songs.

Worth every penny and a favorite of mine right now, it clearly states on the back that it is a TKO production on the Revive Label, I have you to thank for learning or knowing who or what TKO is and there may be more than one version of a song, and to keep my radar and antennae up.

Disc 1 has All The Way, Didn't We, Blue Sky Shining, Colleen, Pretend, Learning The Blues, Young At Heart, with songwriter credits, Michael Smotherman listed for Colleen.

The other night I listened to these tracks, four times in a row, blissfully.

Disc 2 is a digital remaster of the 1980's live in UK album.

I told Dee the last time I listened to it, I had to get up out of my chair and turn over the record three times, and now I can sit back and take in the entire show without pause, the recording truly is one of my favorite hottest live performances/

Thank you Cowpoke, Dee and TKO!

The funny thing is that there is a Burt Bacharach element in some of the arrangements in the studio recordings on Disc 1, I read that they worked a couple days together but no one knows for sure exactly which tracks or what they worked on.

It would be nice to learn one day that it was something of merit too release in some shape or form.

Someday I plan to buy and own Glen Campbell Wichita Lineman Vol. 1-3 but I am extremely happy to own the abridged version, the makers did a fabulous job, 7 rarities and one great big live performance for a nice price.

My day surgery went well and I am very clear and get to take some time off, it is an honor to come here and visit.

Oddly, my journey as a record collector begun around 1964 and 1965 when I was only in Kindergarten and the First Grade.

My Dad bought 4 albums at Goodwill by Soupy Sales, many years later my life came full circle when I realized the arranger and band leader was none other than Mr. Jimmy Haskell whom Glen Campbell appeared side by side on many Rick Nelson recordings.

I learned a lot from those 4 Soupy Sales albums.

There is one that has become quite a collectible, a story set to music where Soupy is hired by the Secret Service to go undercover as a high wire act in the Circus, one of my favorite parts is when Soupy says to Pookie, "Boy, it's so high up here the people look like ants" Pookie replies, "They are, you're still on the ground"!

The first Soupy Sales album is a real kick, Soupy says too Blacktooth, "To get White Fang to be good it would cost me a quarter, that's what I like about you, you're good for nothing"!

The main albums are on the Reprise Label, no junk label for Haskell and Sales.

There is a possibility Leon Russell performs appears on lead piano , and so it makes me wonder who else were in on the sessions.

A lot of wonderful music and projects to come out of Hollywood early to mid 60's.

Glen Campbell one of the most beautiful hardest working session players to track down.

Happy hunting~

(Is the Glen Campbell Live in UK highlights from a number of evenings strung together, because it sounds rich and organic like taken from a single performance, but, when you're in top form you got the act down to the wire every night, one hot band, man. that's for sure, on fire).

Thank you, again.


Re: Glen Campbell Discography

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 3:44 am
by Cowpoke
Hi Rob,

reading your posts is so much fun. The record collecting bug has really bitten you! There are a few things I want to clarify about the Nelson Riddle recordings.
Only 3 tracks of the recordings with the Nelson Riddle Orchestra have ever been released: All the Way, Learning the Blues and Blue Sky Shining. They were recorded in 1979. They were first released in 1995 on The Essential Glen Campbell Vol. 1 and Vol. 3. (Volume 2 is also highly recommended but it doesn't have any Nelson Riddle tracks) ... Volume_One" onclick=";return false; ... lume_Three" onclick=";return false;

Later, I suspect somewhere in the 80s but I don't know for sure, Glen rerecorded these 3 tracks together with a bunch of other tracks. We don't know when or where or with whom these tracks were recorded. I don't think Nelson Riddle was involved again. In any case, these tracks were released from the 00s on, on CDs released by The Kruger Organisation (TKO) or related companies. For example on this release: ... ordings%29" onclick=";return false;

and also on that Wichita Lineman album (from 2004) you mentioned. I don't think there is a Volume 2 or Volume 3 of that Wichita Lineman album. Maybe there has been a mixup between that Wichita Lineman album that contains the rerecorded versions of All the Way, Learning the Blues and Blue Sky Shining and The Essential Glen Campbell volume 1 and 3 that contain the original versions?

So, The Krugers don't have anything to do with the Nelson Riddle sessions, but they do own the rights to the rerecorded versions of those 3 songs.