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Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:43 pm
by Cowpoke
Hi Rob,
I have been reading your posts about "Ghost on the Canvas" and there is some pretty devastating stuff you are writing about. And yet, how wonderful it is to have music to lift us up from the bad things that happen in life.

Ghost on the Canvas to me is the most personal album Glen has ever made. It's also the most moving album. It's like a mirror, it reflects Glen's soul. It's about acknowledging the pain and the sadness, but at the same time it's about being joyful and hopeful, living in the moment, yet remembering the good times and the bad times. At least, I think so... :) There are still a lot of things I don't fully grasp, like the lyrics of the song Ghost on the Canvas. The words are utterly beautiful, and at the same time I sometimes wonder what writer Paul Westerberg is really talking about. "Spirits make love in a wheat field with crows." Beautiful.

I thought this was an interesting read: ... the-Canvas" onclick=";return false;

Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:15 pm
by robduloc
And here is one last thing that I have to say for now from another private message I sent Dee today, about the nature of the song's and their life altering subject matter.


The one big thread that I haven't been able to articulate too much that I feel or resonates on a deep level, is the thread of hope.

Hooks and melodies that latch on and stick like a sticky wet chunk of half eaten hard candy,

Hold On Hope, It's Your Amazing Grace, Strong.

Themes that our youth oriented church presses and work to move along.

I feel sorry for the congregation, that they have never heard or felt GOTC or understand when I murmur these words or melody.

I want to share them with everybody!

Lucky, that I get the message on a deeper intrinsic level, Glen Campbell passing on the lessons of a lifetime affirming by song and word that we are all truly living in a time of favor.

Fortunate, to have the definitive album to mount these themes and dismiss all fear, things are indeed unfolding the way they ought to, especially when we give our heart to the Lord, to ask for his forgiveness, call upon his comfort and look out for our loved ones when we may longer have the faculties.

Safe in the arms of our one true love. Wired for music, a lasting legacy to share and enjoy for all time.

Glen Campbell Ghost On The Canvas.

Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:08 pm
by robduloc
Here is an excerpt of a private message to Dee after my last post here, and I'm trying to articulate or express what makes GOTC my number one all time favorite album.

That's why "Ghost On The Canvas" hit me like a plank in the eye and afford a new eye prescription, at last I had afforded the opportunity to hear and experience a song cycle not just of a day or night or season, a lifetime!

Not just anybody, the artist and man that I had been following since my Elementary School days, when I would catch myself daydreaming what it would like to be grown up and beautiful as him, a boyhood fantasy, for sure, I can only assume there is an equivalent or version for the girl's, my measurement as a man only to be eclipsed ny dad, who would take his life right after I graduated with a two year degree, many years spent looking at the front door of the house I had inherited, waiting for him and my deceased mom to burst through and come home, longing for some of that unconditional love that only my parents knew how to give.

The pile of Glen Campbell records my mother had saved that were sitting on the closet shelf of my old nursery room that had been converted into a library, I had to take down all the book shelves to make room for our second child, he just recently installed a smart TV in there for his birthday, new life and new blessings, old heavy long roots.

And so yeah, we are all tied to those songs, especially "Ghost On The Canvas" which crackles, smokes and sizzles, with an all consuming burning passion.

I had to go away for many months to absorb it, I'm not finished by any means, there's a tendency to want to play it a couple times in a row, which I have done a number of times, quite rightly, so.

It's my album, a musical covenant tied to all the people and things that I have admired or worship from afar, but now all the elements come together and are much closer now, with the song cycle of a lifetime, through all the joy. triumph, tears and ultimately, praise for the lord, and a great overflowing bounty, not just a year or season of favor, to have never been foresaken, eyes on the prize, a beautiful wife and group of children, to live abundantly and appreciate that this bounty did not just come nowhere, a higher source, what a comfort for Campbell and his listeners, oh, my.

Glden Campbell. "Ghost On The Canvas".

Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:49 am
by robduloc
Hi, Dee,

Ghost On The Canvas is my number one all time favorite album because of the range of emotion, color, choice or blend of instruments, motifs, and the amount of living inherent in the vocals and arrangements.

Well, that's a start.

It truly is a group effort and so the production values are strong.

I think that it is my number one all time favorite album because everyone that plays on the numbers sound or feel like their life depended on it and so there is a certain urgency I am drawn to.

Not too sure if I have mentioned that before, the banjo and female back up vocals are extra strong, and grab me.

Gives me great courage and hope and brings me closer to hearth and home and my maker.

And so that is what it's really all about, it has a way that grabs me like no other album or project.

Well, at least I tried to say what Ghost On The Canvas means to me, my favorite set of songs, can I try again some other time?

Thank you, Dee, everybody!

Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:56 pm
by Dee
Rob, can I ask what makes Ghost On The Canvas your number one all time favorite album?
When I look at the Glen Campbell Songbook / Discography that you complied and consider all of the Glen Campbell albums that he recorded, your comment is a tremendous show of support for Glen's "swan song" album!

Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:40 pm
by robduloc
Last night, I got to listen to all of the extended edition of Glen Campbell "Ghost On the Canvas", the "Daphne & Chloe" complete symphony by Ravel and Frederick Delius "Sea Drift" and "Florida Symphony".

In addition to coming here and studying all the beautiful pictures and entries. Thank you, for all the wonderful insights.

"Ghost On The Canvas" remains my number one all time favorite album.

I hope that his guiding star understands and knows all the hours spent listening to his music is time well spent and serves as a lasting legacy, to comfort and sustain people all around the world.

Take it home!

Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 6:14 pm
by robduloc
There is an interesting side note for Uilleann pipes.

They were played on ships a lot, sometimes to appease spirits.

Soft and most soothing. With an element of great adventure, conquest or triumph of the heart.

Sitting on a the deck of a ship blanketed in fog on the brink or edge of the unknown, another example how music will bring a room or group of people together, or make one feel more alive.

Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:45 pm
by robduloc

Thank you, there are a number of these circulating for a fair price to collectors, under 20 dollars is good.

I think there may be another connection, from around the same time, the double album that was only available through the fan club in the early 70's.

The Artistry Of Glen Campbell.

One disc of vocals, and the other instrumentals.

If you look on the bottom of the front cover of the album, it says "Gold Medal".

And the main part of the album is white with a small round picture of Campbell in the center, yes, I do believe the front of the album cover resembles or was marketed to appear as a sack of Gold Medal Flour.

I may be the first to put the two together.

I heard that the principle backer behind The Gold Medal Flour Sponsor was Pat Boone, I'm not sure if he was affiliated with The Artistry Of Glen Campbell, but he would most likely be tied to the Ralph Emery vinyl pressing.

In part, it may explain why a number of the vocals on The Artistry Of Glen Campbell were public domain or spirituals.

It is nice to see Campbell after his last season on TV plugging into a spiritual base, a nice reserve to draw upon, for certain.

Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:59 pm
by Dee
Wow, Rob, thanks so much for another well done transcript!
It seems like I absorb more information from a transcript than I do from listening to an interview!

This interview revealed an interesting promo, "Gold Medal Ralph Emery Show with Special Guest Star Glen Campbell". I had not known that this promo was sent out to radio stations only. Ebay currently has one listed for $100, but an online dealer that I buy from has a list price of $11 for M-. Anyway, I thought I would put up a picture of this album's front cover because its picture of Glen with his "long hair" is not a commonly seen one and also the promo may be new to some fans. Thanks again, Robduloc!

[Click on image once to enlarge viewing window.]
Gold Medal Flour presents Ralph Emery_Glen Campbell_promo.JPG
Gold Medal Flour presents Ralph Emery_Glen Campbell_promo.JPG (32.73 KiB) Viewed 13202 times

Re: Your Stories and Memories about Glen

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:23 am
by Cowpoke
Great stuff again Rob. Very interesting to read. Thanks for taking the time to do this!