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Wrecking Crew Guitar Picks

Everything from Glen Campbell's history with Ovation, other guitar talk, and guitar picks!
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Re: Wrecking Crew Guitar Picks

Post by KMFrye54 »

I've been to NAMM a couple of times. Every guitar vendor in the hall has pots of picks on the table so you can try out their wares. Different size, shapes, colors, but most with the maker's stamp on 'em.

I came home with at least a dozen from each trip. Some from names like Taylor, Fender, and Gibson, and some with names I'd never heard of until that trip. I even have one with a Korean character stamped on it. Is it possible the GC picks from Ovation started out in a similar manner?

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Re: Wrecking Crew Guitar Picks

Post by jay »

The one with an Ovation guitar is interesting. That one probably is pretty old. I could see someone making those for Ovation.
You can never tell about personalized picks. They are so easy to make.
Rick Nelson with Cheap trick will throw his to the audience (i got one in college)...those are actually artist used picks. He stacks about 24 or so on his mic stand for each concert.
I have yet to see a GC pick that was personalized that claimed he used it.
All the concerts I saw with Glen...he used the same pick and when he wasn't using it, stuck it in his pants pocket.
You might be able to get Jeff to tell you if Glen used personalized picks or just used his favorite pick.
I am guessing the latter.

When you were a kid...picking a pick out of a pick box was about as difficult as picking what ice cream you wanted to eat at Baskin Robbins. They had so many shapes and names on them. I remember that big triangle pick in the upper left-hand corner. I had several of those. Each corner was a different thickness if I remember correctly.

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Wrecking Crew Guitar Picks

Post by Dee »

Check out these Wrecking Crew guitar picks including one new and two vintage picks of Glen Campbell's:
Wrecking Crew Guitar Picks_Joseph Macey Collection-gcf.jpg
Wrecking Crew Guitar Picks_Joseph Macey Collection-gcf.jpg (20.63 KiB) Viewed 10732 times
Is the Glen Campbell Ovation pick a rare one?

The above capture is from Joseph Macey's video on YouTube (WC narration begins at around 1:45):

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