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Glen Campbell Playing Modified Gibson ES 335

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 8:15 am
by jay
I love these conversations. You are very perceptive. Glen wanted a tail jack, it appears...a 90 jack wouldn't cut it. Can you imagine what that cost? It appears to have been done nicely. The
"extra" button/switch
is actually a matching plug. This is the best I could get, in terms of seeing it. There has got to be a reason Gibson never did this. Heritage did it with their 335 clone...which is also a fantastic guitar, but of course, not a Gibson. I believe Roy Clark plays Heritage.
mod.jpg (46.4 KiB) Viewed 20937 times

Re: Guitar Glen is Playing on 80's Glen Campbell show

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:10 pm
by KMFrye54
Jay, I'll go with that, but every 335 in my experience, plus the ones I just looked at on the 'Net have one feature that the one in the vid seems to be different- the cord is plugged in to the "edge" of the lower bout instead of on the front...?

Otherwise, controls, fret markers, headstock inlays, everything else point to it.

I suppose it could have been moved for him at some point. There does seem to be an "extra" button/switch on the face of the lower bout where the plug should be, but was the plug's location on the blonde finished one in the vid that slowed me down from a full endorsement of the 335

Re: Guitar Glen is Playing on 80's Glen Campbell show

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:10 am
by jay
Looks to me like a Gibson 335. I think I have seen him play a red one also. Sweet guitars...probably tops my list of the best guitar Gibson made.

Re: Guitar Glen is Playing on 80's Glen Campbell show

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:49 am
by KMFrye54
Can't figure out how to edit that post, but please excuse my goof. While I used the short-form "T-bird", I meant to use "T-head" for THunderhead..

Can't even blame auto-correct for it. Has to be digital interface between brain and keyboard's fault!


Re: Guitar Glen is Playing on 80's Glen Campbell show

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:23 am
by KMFrye54
Not sure what it is, but I don't think it's a T-bird. Headstock is not the "usual" Ovation headstock, and the t-birds all seem to have had a tailpiece that wraps around the end of the guitar. in the video, the bridge seems to stand alone. I was thinking it might be an Epiphone Dot -the layout and color are very similar, but all Epi's of that era had the jack on the face of the guitar, not on the end.. Here's a very similar Gibson/Epi for comparison..

But while I`m reasonably sure it is not an Ovation, I`m just not 100% sure I`ve got it right.. yet.

Re: Guitar Glen is Playing on 80's Glen Campbell show

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:45 am
by Cowpoke
I am still a rookie at this but I think it looks like an Ovation Thunderhead. Jay or Wayne, please correct me if I'm wrong!


Guitar Glen is Playing on 80's Glen Campbell show

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 10:23 am
by cmaynor12

Does anyone know which guitar Glen is playing here?